The Precise RFT (Resonant Frequency Transducer) is the most advanced electronic-free pressure sensor designed for thermal applications. The RFT sensor is offered in various temperature and pressure ranges up to 315°C (600°F) and 150 MPa (21,750 psi). Specifically designed for thermal applications, the RFT product line delivers four different temperature variations, which include the Low Temp (LT-80°C), Standard Temp (ST-140°C), High Temp (HT-260°C) and Xtreme High Temp (XHT-315°C). This diverse pressure monitoring product suite is EMI and vibration resistant with relation to ESP, PCP, and Rod Pump installations. The RFT sensor has been tested in the most demanding of environments and no matter what your application, we can provide a solution for you.
The Precise data collection system can perform ongoing sensor health checks to ensure the operator has consistent reliable data. The RFT sensor housing is corrosion resistant and we offer many different cable alloys, depending on the application.
The RFT sensor can be utilized in all types of wells, producer/injector wells, observation wells, disposal wells, and water wells. Every RFT is calibrated and tested in-house to ensure the integrity of the sensor.
Precise supplies and services many different models of vibrating wire piezometers. We work with leading geotechnical companies to provide you with the best solution. Vibrating wire piezometers are known for their great long term stability/reliability and they are the sensor of choice in many industries/applications.
Bubble Tube systems are rugged and can withstand harsh downhole conditions caused by extreme vibration and elevated temperatures. Many of our bubble tube systems are instrumented strings that encapsulate several thermocouple points set at pre-determined locations. These are common on mechanical lift systems where the pressure at the pump is critical. In a turnkey format, Precise DHS will custom build the downhole portion (instrumented string), install the system, and commission the surface equipment according to our customer’s requirements.
Precise Downhole Services can offer several additional pressure monitoring options, such as Sapphire Strain Gauges and Quartz Gauges. These pressure gauges are extremely accurate and have a very high resolution up to 0.02% and 0.00006% full scale, respectively. In addition, we can provide pressure monitoring solutions in all types of harsh environments up to 30,000 psi with options for 10 samples/second logging. No matter what your pressure monitoring application, Precise Downhole DHS has a custom solution for you.
Precise’s PureLight™ Fiber optic Pressure Gauge (FOPG) is a revolutionary fiber optic pressure and temperature sensor utilized in a variety of industries including oil and gas, mining, renewable and emerging energy sectors. The FOPG’s proprietary design is allows it to function in high temperature/hydrogen rich downhole oil and gas, EMI, RFI, high voltage, combustive and explosive environments.
PureLight’s proprietary gauge design and advanced optical signal processing technology delivers fast, long-term accuracy, durability, low drift and high-fidelity pressure/temperature measurements. The PL-FOPG product lines utilizes FBG and Fabry-Perot interferometer technology. The robust sensor design is constructed from highly durable and corrosion resistant alloys suitable for harsh and extreme environments. The gauge is available in single and multi-drop scenarios with almost limitless sensors on a single capillary line. Our proprietary cabling manufacturing allows for the integration of other sensing applications including DTS, DAS, DSS and quasi distributed Fiber Bragg Gratings for temperature and strain sensing.
Precise’s PureLight Fiber Optic Division provides an innovative and advantageous approach to monitoring techniques. As opposed to traditional sensors which provide measurements at discrete positions, fiber optic systems deliver highly accurate distributed measurements across the entire sensing length. Each fiber optic system is packaged, customized and specifically tailored to each customer’s requirements. PureLight’s fiber suite delivers reliable, robust products deployable in a variety of configurations suitable for harsh environments. Our optic systems are extensively tested and proven to deliver high product quality and are used extensively in the wellbore, pipeline and mining projects.
All fiber measurement techniques work off the premise of light scattering within the fiber optic. As light propagates through the fiber optic core, a reaction occurs between light and molecules in the glass structure. The resulting backscattered light is directly proportional to the desired measurement parameter (DTS-Temperature, DAS-Acoustics, DSS-Strain). The backscattered light is captured by the application specific fiber optic receiver module where it is analyzed. The fiber optic itself provides the sensing and transmission medium with no additional downhole sensors or splices required. For additional information please contact Precise.
Precise Downhole Solutions (PDHS) is excited to offer our revolutionary PEP™ high-density thermocouple product. Our PEP™ thermocouple is the most rugged, high-temperature, custom package on the thermal market. We have installed thousands of sensing points downhole with overwhelming success. What sets our PEP™ product apart is it has the ability to operate up to very high temperatures, while maintaining excellent accuracy and reliability. It is also a very robust customizable product that is cost-effective and re-usable from well to well providing long-term economic benefit to the end user. This product is completely customizable and our two commonly used temperature options are our PEP™ High Temp (HT-300°C) & Xtreme High Temp (XHT-475°C).
Precise Downhole Solutions (PDHS) is excited to offer our innovative PEP™ armoured thermistor product. The PEP™ high-density thermistors are extremely accurate and highly sensitive to very small temperature fluctuations. All thermistor encapsulations are manufactured within annealed capillary tubing suited to the customers' required alloy and size specifications. Thermistors have the capability to be installed with specific point spacing along the encapsulated capillary tubing length, all while providing a cost-effective temperature monitoring solution.
Precise Downhole Services is (PDHS) is excited to offer our innovative PEP™ armoured RTD product. The PEP™ high-density RTD is extremely accurate and can be used in temperatures up to 475°C. All RTD encapsulations are in annealed capillary tubing and any size or alloy is available for your custom needs. RTD’s can also be installed at any point spacing and/or length, providing a highly accurate temperature monitoring solution.
Precise manufactures annealed TEC Cable for a variety of applications including downhole, surface, and pipeline applications to name a few. Our experienced staff will help with the material selection, sizing while considering the installation technique to ensure the success of your project. Have a look at our spec sheet and let us know if you require something different as we do have the capability to tailor to unique and specific scopes.
Oura™ (Optimization using real-time automation) is an intelligent downhole electric valve designed for artificial lift and enhanced oil recovery (EOR). With Oura™ Surface Controlled Gas Lift / Electric Gas Lift applications are available real-time, and this technology is also extremely valuable in EOR (Water / Polymer / CO2 Floods / Injections).
Oura™ delivers real-time pressure and temperature (tubing and annulus) to the customer, while providing complete flow control. The dart position is completely variable (0-100%), which allows the customer to manipulate the orifice to any size in-between and up to 3/8” (larger orifice sizes are available). Oura™ requires exceptionally low power and can be operated off a single solar panel; this allows for remote installations and helps our customers reduce their carbon footprint. Oura™ has the capability to multi-drop up to 30 valves on a single 1/4" TEC up to 8,000m (26,250 ft). The technology is available in various exotic alloys and can withstand static pressures up to 10,000 psi. Please contact us for more information
Having manufactured over 2,000 strings we are industry leaders when it comes to instrumented coiled and capillary tubing. Following ISO 9001:2015 requirements we work closely with our material suppliers to ensure proper handling of the coil and sensors from beginning to end. Our ability to manufacture gas lift subs, bubble tubes, temperature sensors, fiber highways and pressure sensors into the coil allows for quality control, detailed build reports, weld consistency and reduced cost. Our year-round manufacturing site enables us to manufacture strings using our expertise and equipment, producing hundreds of strings per year. We pride ourselves on the quality of our strings and our attention to detail.
Precise Downhole Solutions™ manufactures various downhole products and with that, we hold a substantial inventory (100,000m+) in various capillary tubing and chemical injection strings. Our company has over 40+ custom designed spooling units capable of handling all sizes of capillary/chemical injection tubing. Let us know your requirements and we will put together a package for you.
At Precise, we supply and commission turnkey communication packages for all of our product offerings. These Data Acquisition Panels or Remote Terminal Units (RTU’s) are configured as per our customer requirements. Communication and data transfer are securely completed using either a radio, cellular or satellite network. Precise has the ability to store your data securely and we have access to several viewing platforms for the operator to use in real-time.
RTU’s typically consist of standalone loggers or PLC with solar charging capability. RTU’s can be certified for Class 1 Division 2 (Zone 2) service with the option for Class 1 Division 1 (Zone 1) if required.
When choosing Precise, we can provide added value by fully inspecting, troubleshooting, and maintaining many vendor-specific data loggers and RTU panels. The Precise team currently maintains and services all observation, production, and injection wells at several locations, (referrals available on request). Our proven track record with our customers demonstrates that we can meet and exceed all expectations for RTU installation, maintenance and troubleshooting.